Updated 7/23/20
We adhere to all current guidelines issued by state and county officials. Please recognize that plans might change in response to conditions of the pandemic. Our goal is to minimize risk and still provide a fun, learning environment. Our plan will be monitored and communicated regularly.
Operational Guidelines
- All participants/staff entering the building must not be exhibiting any of the following conditions: fever greater than 100.4 degrees (per CDC guidelines), cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, chills, sore throat, cannot smell/loss of sense of taste.
- Anyone who has been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 needs to wait to return until 14 days have passed from the date of exposure.
- Only CSYP staff and current class participants will be allowed in the building. No parents, siblings, visitors, etc. If you need to reach a staff member or participant during rehearsal, please call/text a CSYP producer for help. Contact info will be provided during registration.
- Participation numbers will be limited to allow for social distancing. Performance Company will have 25 participants per age group and Broadway Bound will have 10 participants per age group.
- All participants must maintain a 6-foot separation whenever possible unless they are family members living in the same household.
- All frequently touched areas will be cleaned regularly – doorknobs, sound equipment, drinking fountains, etc.
- Hand sanitizer will be available in all classrooms and all hands will be sanitized each time participants change classrooms.
- Participants will transition from class to class in a one-way traffic pattern to minimize congestion.
- CSYP staff will be wearing masks during drop off/pick up and any close contact with parents or participants.
- Face shields will be required when singing. Face shields or masks will be required when social distancing is not possible.
- CSYP will provide the first face shield, but replacements must be purchased. You can purchase these from CSYP or on your own. Masks will not be provided.
- Participants are welcome to use their face shield/mask anytime they are at rehearsal, even if distancing is possible. Participants are welcome to wear a face mask in addition to their shield if they prefer.
Drop Off / Pick Up Details
- When participants arrive, their temperature will be checked by a staff member with a touchless thermometer. They will then need to sanitize their hands and face shield. Face shields will be put on after they are sanitized. Once this is completed, participants will go to their designated area and remain there until class starts.
- Participants will need to stand on an “X” on the sidewalk (6 feet apart) outside while they wait to check in or for their ride to come.
- Participants will wear a mask or face shield during drop off/pick up since distancing will not always be possible.
Personal Items
- Each participant will be provided with a bag for rehearsal. This bag will be theirs to keep and is covered in the materials fee. Each bag will be supplied with sheet music, a pencil, hand sanitizer and a face shield. Participants will be asked to provide their own water bottle.
- Participants need to bring their bag and all materials to rehearsal each week.
- All personal items need to stay in the bag unless they are needed for rehearsal. Bags stay with the participant (no cubbies this year).
- Bulky items like school backpacks and winter coats will not be allowed.
Dance Class
- The dance room will be divided into 6-foot blocks. Participants will stay in their 6 foot block the entire class time. All choreography will be contained to that block (no partner work, new formations, etc).
- Face shields will not be required in dance when choreography is being taught. There will be times when face shields will be required to run songs while singing, even when proper social distancing is possible.
- No physical contact will be made with or between participants.
Music Class
- Due to the nature of singing, face shields will be required the entire time in music class. No exceptions. Participants will be spread out to allow for 6 feet between participants as well.
- Participants will have their own materials, so nothing is shared or distributed each week. It will be very important for participants to bring their music each week, since we can’t pass out copies to borrow.
- No physical contact will be made with participants.
Acting Class
- The acting room will be divided into 6-foot blocks. Participants will stay in their 6 foot block whenever possible. If social distancing is not possible, face shields or masks will be required.
- Participants will have their own materials, so nothing is shared or distributed each week.
- No physical contact will be made with or between participants.
(This is specifically for the December Showcase and Broadway Bound performances. We will revisit things in December to try to determine what our spring show will look like prior to casting.)
- We do not know what performances will look like this year. We will keep an eye on the CDC guidelines for gathering and keep you posted on our plans. Some possibilities include:
- Additional performances with fewer audience members to allow for distancing
- One age group performing at a time
- Live streaming the performance if an in-person audience is not an option
- Creating a special video recording if live streaming is not possible
We know the importance and energy of having a live audience, but safety will be the first factor as we make plans.
It is important that all participants abide by these safety regulations. If you have a student who is unable or unwilling to wear a face shield/mask when required, this is not a good year to participate. If you have a student who will struggle with social distancing, this is not a good year to participate.
This is a very fluid situation and things change quickly. As rules, regulations, and recommendations update from public officials, we will adjust our operating procedures. Our goal is to keep your kids safe.